Tuesday, September 18, 2018

8th: Built and Primed

1,000 pt Commonwealth Reinforced Platoon
This past week, I spent my hobby time assembling my British 8th Army Commonwealth Reinforced Platoon.  I primed it all Saturday night.  It is a fairly straightforward force built out of the 8th army Starter Army with the addition of a Matilda Infantry Support Tank.

It has two full Infantry Sections, a 1Lt with an aid, a 5-man Infantry Section with a Universal Carrier, a medium mortar team, a medium machine gun team, a 5-man unit of Royal Engineers with a Universal Carrier, a 25 pdr light artillery piece, and the Matilda.

This should be a decent way to get going in campaign (and Bolt Action in general).  Beyond this, I am looking at an Armored Platoon, like Stuarts.

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Busy Week

Not even the whole Warlord
I have been busy this week.  I knew that the British 8th Army sets for the Western Desert Campaign was arriving at the store.  I dove into finishing my current Italian Infantry Section and assembling my Warlord titan for Adeptus Titanicus.  The Warlord was put on pause for magnets, which arrived Sunday - after work began on the 8th Army unit.

My 8th Army will either be British or Australian; I have not yet settled on which exactly.  Any armor I build out will be from a Royal Armour Regiment.  The long term plan is to have two platoons, one Reinforced Infantry Platoon and one Armor Platoon, both hitting 1,000 points, with the potential to expand to 1,500 points.