Sunday, March 16, 2014

Birthday & Taking Stock

Today, I turned 30.  This means a few gifts and is a good time to review the projects in the list.  Since the release of the new Dwarf armybook, I have picked up a box of Longbreads/Hammers and Ironbreakers/Irondrakes.  For my birthday, I received a new Runesmith/Runelord (pictured) and a Gyrocopter/Gyrobomber.  This all adds to the long list of unpainted Dwarfs I have allowed to languish, nascent Eldar Alaitoc, and the numerous auxiliary Space Marine vehicles.


The new Runesmith/Runelord lacked a shield, so a minor conversion using an Ironbreaker shield and a thin line of green stuff.

Runesmith with chain over the shoulder

Of the two new units for Dwarfs, I have already used a unit of 10 Irondrakes.  They performed admirably and were a clear threat to anything they could get into range.  There is the potential for these to expand from 10 to 20 in a large list.

For my Dwarfs, I have yet to settle on my army's focus.  I really like the idea of an Ironbreaker, Irondrake heavy army - "Taking Back the Dark."  This however will demand not insignificant investment due to it consisting of largely new models.  It would be a Heavy Infantry army, meant to clean out the invested tunnels, mines, and even halls of Karak Eight Peaks.  It is a concept I just love.

The other option is to build out my solid, traditional, Dwarf Engineers army.  A mix of the new Gyrocopters, steady presence of Cannon and Organ Gun, defended by Warriors, Ironbreakers, and Slayers.  Much less to invest in - chiefly Gyrocopters and a few Engineers.  It being the "easy" route, probably means it should be my focus...

More to come; so long as I do not get too distracted with other things.


  1. Happy birthday! "Take back the dark"...easy to say, with my Night Gobbos on the other side of the continent...BUT, if it means that the next time we play you won't have so many organ guns, then I say it's a great idea!

  2. I think you should work on both armies. It sounds like you already have most of one anyways. So finish it and start on the other. The infantry army just sounds so cool.
