Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Praetor Captain

Captain Aedvarus of the 106th
This past week I did some light painting, completing the Horus Heresy era Ultramarines Praetor.  He was straightforward for the most part, with most of the decisions already made.

Veteran of Terra, Praetor of the XIII Legion, Captain of the 106th Company Aedvarus of Merica.

Captain Aedvarus goes onto to lead the defense of Argeia from World Eaters, survives the Heresy, and is the future Second Founding Captain of the 4th Company of the Novamarines Chapter

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Repulsor Complete

Repulsor in profile
  I finished up my Repulsor this weekend.  I am not super happy with it, but large flat surfaces are a challenge to paint well with a brush.  I did not feel confident with painting it with an airbrush yet as it has many straight lines.  I probably could have taken more time with the transition highlights and thinned the lines a bit.  I think at the distance of a the table top, it will look good along side the rest of my Novamarine Primaris detachment.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Repuslor In-Work

In-Work Repulsor
This past week, I worked on painting the Repulsor tank.  I think I have completed basing the vehicle and thus have gotten most of the colors onto the hull.  I took the photo before doing a significant amount of washing the whole thing with null-oil.  Unlike the rest of the army thus far, I primed it mostly white.  The large blue strip was primed with using masking over the white.  If I did it again, prime the line first, then tape over it and then prime the rest of the model.  Lesson learned.

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Nuport's Mariners

Nuport's Mariners and some objective markers
 This weekend, I finished up painting my second Arkanaut Company.  This completes my 1,500 point army.  I did some minor conversions to the Company Captain to turn him in Kris Nuport.  Captain Nuport has some relics from before the the Kharadon's took took the sky.

This week, I am starting on the Novamarines Repulsor.  Part of this is in the vain hope that GW announces that a unit other than the Arkanaut Company is a Battleline unit before I work on my last 500 points up to 2,000 points.

Captain Nuport, surrounded by his Mariners

Captain Nuport's antecatalysm axe head