Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Griffon Squadron - Valkyries and Vultures

 A late post this week, but a post!

I am taking two weeks of downtime over the end of the year/holidays.  One of my goals is to do some hobby work each day.  I am also at my brother's home for the two weeks - trying to work on me.

Last week and yesterday, I worked on and completed my Aeronautica Imperialis Valkyries and Vultures.  I decided to use some of my Titanicus transfers for Legio Gryphonicus for Squadron heraldry.  I like the idea of a Navy Air Wing's ground assault group/squadron thinking of themselves as Griffons.

Valkyries 1 to 4 and Vultures 5 & 6

Front View

Next project is getting the Blood Bowl Season 2 Box built, maybe even painted.

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Completed Warbringer & two Slave Ogres!

 I did complete the Warbringer over the Thanksgiving break and then promptly dove into a side project of two Slave Ogres for Necromunda.  Up next, Valkyries and Vultures for Aeronautica.

I think the Warbringer brings my total Titanicus force to around 2,000 pts.  It also means I can field 2 Maniples in a fight, before adding any Knight household support.  Still looking at adding a Psi-Titan when they are back in stock as well as some more Reavers and Warhounds.

The Ogres were great to do as a side project, totally changing up the color pallete to bright orange, green, and purple flesh tones.

Again, up next is 4 Valkyries and 2 Vultures in colors similar to the Marauder Destroyers painted previously.