Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Championing a Game or Range

I overreached on planning and running the Rynn's World Campaign event day.  What I had hoped would be at least 9 to 18 games of Aeronautica Imperialis by six people across a Saturday day of gaming ended up being me playing 3 games of Aeronautica Imperialis against 3 different opponents.

New Rynn City during the Blitz
The first game was notionally just an early game of the intended event.  My son played the Orks and I played the Imperials.  He tried to bomb targets in New Rynn City and I defended them.  We set it at 150 points.  Biggest learning piece from it is working out how to deploy ground assets (still not sure).

Second game over the Canyons
The second game, I ran a 100 point dogfight for one of the store's regulars.  He really enjoyed the game.  He appreciated that he got the mechanics after turn 1 and could focus on flying tactically from there.  Later that evening, he bought a starter box and a box of Grot Bommers.  I can at least count on him to be interested in future games.

Third over the island and water
The third game, much later in the evening, was another bombing mission, but this time with Imperials assaulting Orks.  My opponent has some excellently painted aircraft and enjoys the game, if a bit rusty.  We played on one of the mats I had gotten printed.  For this game, he pulled in one of the guys who was finishing up the other day of gaming that was happening to command one of his detachments.  Another guy was sufficiently interested to watch the game play out despite saying he was headed out the door.  Count two highly interested potential future players.

The event I had set out to run did not happen.  But lemonade from lemons, the local community gained at least 1, maybe as many as 4 additional players because I showed up and played.  I think the next step is to dial it back and have a "Specialist Day" where I make it clear that I will be there and ready to play and possibly teach either Titanicus or Aeronautica.

I am not ready to push to do out-print games like Battlefleet Gothic or Epic: Armageddon. Chiefly because, I can't then turn it around and add someone to the group that plays.  I can't point to the product on the wall to buy it or the store owner to order it for them.

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