Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Preparing for Rynn's World Event

Staged shot of the battle at Scar Lake
 Next weekend, I am attempting to run an Aeronautica Imperialis event at my FLGS - specifically enabling folks to play through all six of the Rynn's World campaign book scenarios as possible.  My biggest concern is either 1) not having enough players to really make it interesting or 2) being hugely successful and having too many players!  I think a good result will be if about six are able to play several games on cool maps I bought and I have good confidence to try and push for a similar event in the summer tied to the release of the Taros Campaign book.

Adding Thunderbolt 1 and 3
In the build up to it, I am working on adding more Thunderbolts to my Imperial Navy squadron and maybe a uniquely painted Ork Fighta-Bomber ace.  A long-shot is getting another Dakkajet added to the Ork skwadron.  We will see where my painting motivation takes me after this weekend.

Staged shot over the Mountains
Staged Run on an Imperial bunker along a River

Staged attack on a convoy following the Canyon

Staged following over islands for the Straggler

Staged defense of Imperial infrastructure!

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