Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Ærthegn Banner and Lance Gift

My brother has a full Maniple of the Tiger Eyes Titan Legion that he had commission painted.  Back at the end of last year, I picked up the Knight Household box and even more Knights. I have my own House Vornherr to add to, I decided for my brother's birthday I would provide him with some Knights.  For his traitors, I choose House Ærthegn to partner with his Tiger Eyes.

Long Range Knight Banner

I had a lot of fun painting these guys up.  They were a departure from my normal colors and allowed me to focus on details.  They also let me include techniques I had learned on previous projects, like weathering.  I also utilized the Contrast paints in combination with regular paints.

I luckily got the basing information from my brother and his commissioned painter.  I am hoping they look solid alongside his Tiger Eyes and that he is interested in using them alongside his Tiger Eyes.